Exchange 2010: Stop deferral request before completion

If you are carrying out an Exchange migration or simply want to move mailboxes to a different database, you can use the Exchange 2010 move request. If you want to move the mailboxes to the new server or to the new database but do not want to complete the move request yet so that Outlook 2003 does not have to be restarted, you can use the following parameter:

New-MoveRequest -Identity ' -TargetDatabase "Name of the target database" -SuspendWhenReadyToComplete

Or check this box via the Exchange administration console:

Displacement request

The mailbox is then already moved, but the move request stops before completion. You can then complete the move via the Exchange administration console when the time is right.

Lock via shell:

Resume-MoveRequest -Identity ""

Or via the management console:

In the recipient configuration, click on Move request, then select the mailbox and click on "Complete move request" in the action field.

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