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Exchange 2010: Find unused distribution lists

Many distribution lists quickly become confusing, but cleaning up distribution lists can be difficult if you don't know how often they are used. I have created a small script that counts how many mails have been sent to a list in the last few days. The time period is customizable. However, it must be ensured that the message tracking logs go back far enough.

Here is the script:

# Find unused distributors
# by Frank Zöchling
# Version 0.1

$unuseddays = „30“

$distrigroups = Get-DistributionGroup
$htservers = get-transportserver
$end = get-date
$start = $end.addDays(-$unuseddays)

foreach ($distrigroup in $distrigroups)
$mailaddress = $distrigroup.PrimarySmtpAddress
$displayname = $distrigroup.DisplayName
foreach ($htserver in $htservers)
$mailsreceive = get-messagetrackinglog -Recipients:$mailaddress -Server $htserver -start $start -end $end -eventid receive | measure-object | foreach-object {$_.count}
$count = $count + $mailsreceive


$count = 0




As you can see, the script is not particularly complex and can be quickly adapted to build a PRTG or Solarwinds monitor, for example. Or you can run the script once a month and have the values written to a CSV file, or or or or...

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