Exchange 2010/2013: Resetting the Active Sync partnership

If ActiveSync does not work with a device, many people first delete the Active Sync account on the device and create a new one. This often helps, but not always. People often forget that Exchange creates a partnership for each ActiveSync device. In the event of a software update, it can happen that this partnership no longer works. In this case, it helps to delete the account on the device, then delete the partnership and recreate the account on the device. Here is the howto for resetting the ActiveSync partnership:

Display the current Active Sync devices in Exchange 2013:

Get-MobileDevice -mailbox frank | ft

Active Sync

or with

Get-MobileDevice -mailbox frank | fl friendlyname,identity

Delete the partnership:

Remove-MobileDevice -Identity "frankysweb.local/FrankysWeb/User/Frank...."

and the same for Exchange 2010:

Get-ActiveSyncDevice -mailbox frank | ft

and delete with

Remove-ActiveSyncDeviceb -Identity "frankysweb.local/FrankysWeb/User/Frank...."

Once the partnership has been deleted, the device can be set up again.

1 thought on “Exchange 2010/2013: Zurücksetzen der Active Sync Partnerschaft”

  1. Hallo Frank,
    habe den Vorgang wie von dir beschrieben durchgeführt. Bekomme aber jetzt die Meldung:
    „Anmeldung nicht möglich. Der Dienst ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar. Versuchen Sie es noch einmal. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an den Kundendienst. (503)“
    Wir haben allerdings Exchange 2016.


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