Exchange 2013: Remote installation on multiple servers

To make life a little easier for myself, I didn't just use the Exchange 2013 Configurator but now also a script for remote installation with which Exchange 2013 can be installed on multiple servers. To use the script, a few requirements must be met:

  1. A network share to which the installation user has access (read)
  2. WMI, ICMP and CredSSP must be activated on the servers on which Exchange is to be installed.
  3. The Exchange installation package and the installation requirements (Filter Pack, Filter Pack Service Pack, UCMA Runtime) must be saved in the network share

Furthermore, you may need to adjust lines 15 - 19 in the script. The script then installs Exchange 2013 with the Client Access and Mailbox role on all servers that are specified.

Remote installation

As already mentioned, ICMP (Ping), WMI and CredSSP must be installed on the server on which Exchange is to be installed. The settings can be made either manually or via group policy:

Here are the required firewall rules:


CredSSP can also be found in the GPO, or you can execute these commands:

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role client -DelegateComputer * -force
Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role server -force

You can download the script here:

[wpdm_file id=10]

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