Support for Exchange Server 2013 will end on April 11, 2023, i.e. after 10 years. Exchange 2013 will therefore no longer receive any security updates, making the continued operation of Exchange 2013 highly risky. If there are still Exchange 2013 servers in the company, they should be updated with the latest security updates and migrated to newer Exchange versions as quickly as possible.
You can find corresponding instructions for migration here:
- HowTo: Migration from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2019 (Part 1)
- HowTo: Migration from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2019 (Part 2)
- HowTo: Migration from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2019 (Part 3)
Microsoft testet bereits das „Transport-based enforcement system“ um veraltete Exchange Server Versionen zu blockieren. Bisher fällt nur Exchange 2007 unter diese Regel, es kann aber damit gerechnet werden, dass es auch bald weitere veraltete Versionen wie Exchange 2010 und jetzt auch Exchange 2013 trifft. Falls noch nicht geschehen sollte also unbedingt zu Exchange 2019 oder zu Exchange Online migriert werden.