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Exchange 2016: Fehler bei der Installation / Migration (‚Database‘ ist für ‚UserMailbox‘ verbindlich)

The following error can occur with Exchange servers during installation:

The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
if ( ($server -eq $null) -and ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true) )
Update-RmsSharedIdentity -ServerName $RoleNetBIOSName
“ ausgeführt wurde: „‚Database‘ ist für ‚UserMailbox‘ verbindlich. Eigenschaftenname: Database“.

‚Database‘ ist für ‚UserMailbox‘ verbindlich. Eigenschaftenname: Database
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I have shortened the error message a little, this message can occur with all Exchange versions from 2007 onwards Here is an example for Exchange 2016:

Or also for Exchange 2010:

The result is always the same: Setup crashes.

The background to this error message is as follows. Exchange cannot find one or more system mailboxes in the database. I have also experienced that the users for the system mailboxes are missing. The most common reason for this message is that the database in which a system mailbox was located was deleted without first moving the system mailbox(es) to another database. Unfortunately, it is not clear from the error message which specific mailbox is missing.

In most cases the users still exist, sometimes not, but both can be rectified relatively easily:

If the users for the system mailboxes still exist, they can be deleted; the users are located in the Users OU:

Here is a screenshot without the users:

After the users have been deleted, the following command must be executed from the source path of the Exchange installation files (Exchange 2010): /preparead

or for Exchange 2016:

setup.exe /preparead /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms

After the commands were executed, the users were recreated:

If there was no Exchange Server before, the installation can now be continued. If this error occurs during a migration, the corresponding mailboxes must also be created again:

Get-User | Where {$_.Name –like "SystemMailbox*"} | Enable-Mailbox -Arbitration
Get-User | Where {$_.Name –like "FederatedEmail*"} | Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration

The above commands can then be executed on one of the Exchange servers to be migrated.

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