I have had the following problem several times and have fallen for it again. I would therefore like to briefly describe the problem: The Exchange Management Shell of an Exchange 2016 server no longer wanted to connect and only showed errors. It was also no longer possible to log in using ECA. This problem is already quite well known, the backend certificate was missing in IIS. This problem can be solved quickly:
After the certificate was reassigned (it was still there), the ECA website worked again without any problems, and Outlook and OWA could also be reconnected. Only the Exchange Management Shell still reported an error:
New-PSSession : When connecting to the remote server EXSERVER
folgender Fehler aufgetreten: Die Verbindung mit dem angegebenen Remotehost wurde zurückgewiesen. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der WS-Verwaltungsdienst auf dem Remotehost ausgeführt wird und zum Überwachen der Anforderungen am korrekten Port und für die entsprechende HTTP-URL konfiguriert ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Hilfethema „about_Remote_Troubleshooting“.
Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees, so I have:
- PowerShell Verzeichnisse (FrontEnd und BackEnd) neu erstellt
- WinRM kontrolliert (Listener und Ports)
- Firewall controlled
- Server restarted
- IIS restarted
- Application Pools controlled
- Crying and looking desperate
- SSL Einstellungen und Berechtigungen kontrolliert
- IIS website bindings controlled
The full program, at some point you realize: You can't solve the problem today, so put it off until tomorrow. I've had this problem umpteen times, but I just couldn't remember the solution.
10 minutes later...
The brain responds (when all connections are closed and the PC is shut down):
- Proxy servers are stupid.
That was also the moment when I banged my head on the tabletop. I forgot to check the proxy settings in Internet Explorer again:
The cause of the problem was once again a proxy that was not configured with the appropriate exceptions. I have deactivated the proxy completely. I can't think of any reason why a proxy would be entered on an Exchange server, maybe something will come up in 10 minutes...
Typical "Admins Life"...