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Exchange 2016: Error when moving mailboxes (A version mismatch was detected)

During the migration from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016, the following error (version mismatch) may occur when moving user mailboxes from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016:

A version mismatch was detected (Actual:6, Expected:5)

The following message then appears in the Exchange 2013 server log:

2017-04-23T20:37:21.432Z,6,Default,Error,“,,“,“RegisterMigrationBatch failed, exception at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationServiceHelper.SafeInvokeImplMethod(Action method, MigrationServiceRpcMethodCode methodCode) at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationNotificationRpcSkeleton.RegisterMigrationBatch(IMigrationNotification implementation, MdbefPropertyCollection inputArgs)|A version mismatch was detected (Actual:6, Expected:5).|Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Sync.Migration.Rpc.MigrationServiceRpcException|The RPC call failed with result ‚MigrationTransientError‘.|“

The problem can be solved by first moving a system mailbox with the name "Migration" from Exchange 2013 to the Exchange 2016 server. The mailbox can be displayed with the following command:

get-mailbox Migration* -Arbitration

Das Systempostfach „Microsoft Exchange Migration“ kann einfach im Exchange Admin Center in eine Datenbank auf dem Exchange 2016 Server verschoben werden:

After the system mailbox has been moved, the users' mailboxes can be moved. As soon as the mailbox has been moved to an Exchange 2016 database, the version number is adjusted accordingly:

Get-Mailbox Migration* -Arbitration | ft Name,AdminDisplayVersion

If the version 15.1 angezeigt wird, wurde das Postfach korrekt verschoben und die Version angehoben. Der “Version mismatch”-Fehler tritt nun nicht mehr beim Verschieben von Benutzerpostfächern auf. Grundsätzlich sollte das Systempostfach „Microsoft Exchange Migration“ das erste Postfach sein, welches auf die neuen Exchange Server verschoben wird.

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