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Exchange 2016: Offline address book (OAB) cannot be downloaded (0x8004010F)

If Outlook cannot download the Offline Address Book (OAB) from an Exchange 2016 server, the following error message is displayed:

Error (0x8004010F) when executing the task: Error during operation. An object cannot be found.

Unfortunately, this error message is quite general and can be caused by various problems.

The cause of the error in this case was the missing specification of the virtual directory for the offline address book:

Get-OfflineAddressBook | fl name,VirtualDirectories

As can be seen in the output, no virtual directory is specified for the OAB. The virtual directories for the OAB can be displayed with the following command:


The information can now be used to create the directory "Server\Name", in this case "Exchange\OAB (Default Web Site):

Get-OfflineAddressBook | Set-OfflineAddressBook -VirtualDirectories "Exchange\OAB (Default Web Site)"

After the command has been executed, the query of the OAB returns the desired result:

In order for the changes to take effect, a few small adjustments are necessary. The "Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistant" service must be restarted:

The "MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool" application pool is then restarted (reused) in the IS Manager:

Last but not least, the OAB must now be updated. The following command can be used for this:

Get-OfflineAddressBook | Update-OfflineAddressBook

After the offline address book has been updated, the download by Outlook works again without any problems.

As already mentioned at the beginning, this is only one of many possible causes for the error. Here is another article that could help:

Exchange 2010/2013: Some entries in the offline address list were omitted by the OALGen. (ID 9327, 9323)

Perhaps this will also help someone else.

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