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Exchange 2016: Comprehensive white paper on Autodiscover

Every day I receive emails from readers with questions and problems that are largely due to Autodiscover and/or incorrect certificates. This whitepaper is intended to help administrators understand Autodiscover and configure it correctly, as it is an important component of Exchange Server without which the connection of Outlook and other devices would not work.

The idea for this white paper came about because a blog post would have been too long and several posts are often difficult to find and are taken out of context.

This white paper explains in detail how it works and shows how Autodiscover is configured. This white paper also contains two example configurations for Exchange 2016 environments. There are also tips on error analysis and troubleshooting.

Excerpt from the table of contents:

Hier handelt es sich nur um einen Auszug aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis, das komplette Whitepaper umfasst 59 Seiten. Auch spezielle Methoden wie die „lokale Umleitung“ und häufige Ursachen bei Problemen werden behandelt.

Questions, improvements, criticism and suggestions regarding this whitepaper are welcome via the contact form. A small donation is also welcome:

The white paper is available in PDF format and can be downloaded here free of charge:

So far this whitepaper is only available as a PDF, if there is a need for an eBook Reader compatible version, please let me know.

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