The following error often occurs after migrating an Exchange server. Outlook cannot download the offline address book with cache mode enabled and displays the following error message:
"Error (0x8004010F) when executing the task: Error during operation. An object cannot be found."

The error can occur if the address book was configured on a specific server before the migration. After uninstalling the old server for downloading the offline address book, no server is configured and Outlook can therefore no longer perform the download. The following screenshot shows a single server that has been configured to download the offline address book (Virtual Directories parameter)

Since Exchange Server 2013 CU7 recommends Microsoft configure all Exchange servers to download the offline address book. Unfortunately, this is not the default setting after installation. To configure all Exchange servers to download the OAB, the following command can be used:
Get-OfflineAddressBook | Set-OfflineAddressBook -GlobalWebDistributionEnabled $true -VirtualDirectories:$null

This command should therefore also be executed when configuring a DAG so that the address book can be downloaded from all servers.
After the settings have been changed, it can take up to 2 hours for Autodiscover to retrieve the new settings and distribute them to the clients. It may also take some time for Outlook to retrieve the new settings via Autodiscover. A little patience is therefore required here.
Outlook in online mode, i.e. without cache mode, is not affected by this problem, as no offline address book is downloaded in this case. To avoid problems, the above command should be executed in all environments.
Hallo Franky,
wie immer ein toller und hilfreicher Artikel, danke dir!
Zur Info: Ich habe ca. 24 Stunden nach der Änderung am Exchange Server gewartet und erst nach dem Neustart des Dienstes „Microsoft Exchange-Postfach-Assistenten“ wurde der Fehler behoben.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Wie ist das in einer Single-Exchange Umgebung?
Verstehe ich Franky sowie den MS Artikel richtig, dass auch ohne DAG der Befehl abgesetzt werden sollte, damit grundsätzlich kein spezieller Server hinterlegt ist? Somit würde bei nur einem Server zwar kein Wert hinterlegt sein, aber trotzdem dieser verwendet werden?
Eigentlich lässt der Text keine andere Interpretation zu, daher habe ich es nun so abgesetzt.