I have just uploaded version 2.6 of the Exchange Reporter. Some new functions and modules have been added. Office 365 is now also supported, both as a hybrid scenario and exclusively Office 365. There have also been several bug fixes. Here is the changelog:
- New functions
- Office365 is now supported (see module o365report.ps1)
- Setting in settings.ini if only Office365 is used
- redirectreport.ps1: Display of redirects or forwards that have been set on the Exchange Server
- Number of values to be displayed for the top lists can be configured (top 10 recipients, etc.)
- New module
- o365report.ps1: Office 365 reports / statistics
- rblreport.ps1: Tests 78 blacklists whether your own IPs are listed
- mxreport.ps1: Shows information on the MX and SPF records and performs a connection test
- Neues 3rdParty Modul von Ralph Andreas Altermann & Florian Heller, Alfru GmbH – IT.Systems
- pfreplreport.ps1: Extended information on public orders and their replication status
- Bug fixes
- Documentation revised
- Modules can be commented out by preceding them with ";" (semicolon)
- Several recipients can be specified in Settings.ini (separated by "," commas)
- Wrong name for graphic of the bpreport
Ralph Andreas Altermann from Alfru GmbH has again actively supported me and even contributed a 3rd party module. He wasn't too shy to make the documentation look nice, so special thanks to him!
Click here to download: