The Exchange Reporter 2013 version 1.0 has just been released. I have fixed a few bugs (see change log) and would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who reported bugs. My special thanks also go to the donors who were kind enough to donate their time for the development.
There is currently still a problem with the update report, which shows both installed and available updates. I will fix this in the next version as soon as possible. To make troubleshooting a little easier, a log file can now be generated on request. So if problems occur, please send me the logs. (Note: Please have a look at the log file first and check that it does not contain any sensitive information such as names, e-mail addresses, IPs, etc., because the log file contains the Powershell errors that occur during the report)
The version also includes a new module: vmwarereport.ps1
vmwarereport.ps1 is configured via settings.ini and generates a small overview of the VMs (datastore storage space, snapshots, hosts). The module currently works with VMware ESX (or vSphere). The prerequisite is the PowerCLI, which must be installed on the server that creates the reports.
PowerCLI can be downloaded here:
If you do not want to use the new module, you can simply deactivate it in the settings.ini.
I will fix the error with the update report as soon as possible. I would also like to expand the VMReport. What information is important to you? Is support for Hyper-V required?
I look forward to your feedback.
Download Exchange Reporter 2013 Ver. 1.0: