I have just uploaded version 3.1 of the Exchange Reporter. This time I have mainly fixed bugs that crept in despite many tests in different environments.
I have made the following changes:
- Bug fixes
- O365report.ps1: The report only returned the first 1000 results, fixed thanks to Kaari
- Mbxreport.ps1: Bug in the listing of limits fixed, if more than 1000 mailboxes are stored in a database (Thanks, Mario)
- Clientinfo.ps1: Query the Outlook versions within the selected interval
- Rightsreport.ps1: Deny permissions are filtered out (Thanks, Daniel)
- Mailreport.ps1: Number and volume of received mails with more than one transport server/service is not displayed (Thanks, Martin)
- Mailreport.ps1: Error handling improved
- New module
- KempReport.ps1: Support for Kemp Loadbalancer
Here is a screenshot of the new module (please refer to the manual for the requirements):
There is now also the option of reporting errors using the form. First and foremost, of course, this is a help for me, as I have the necessary information at my fingertips. You also benefit, of course, because I can fix problems more quickly. I have tried to keep the form simple:
The form can also be found on the Exchange Reporter page. A few fields are required, the more information I have about the problem, the better the problem can be narrowed down. Not all Exchange environments are the same and every installation / environment is slightly different. I therefore have to realize again and again that I have not considered some very simple things. So it helps immensely when errors are reported.
Many thanks to all those who have been willing to report bugs or provide bug fixes so far. And of course a big thank you to all beta testers, some of whom have been pulling all-nighters.
You can download the latest version of the Exchange Reporter here:
If you are interested and would like to take part in the beta tests, just send us an e-mail. Suggestions for new features are of course always welcome.
wenn ich mich nicht irre, fehlen in der settings.ini noch ein paar Zeilen für den Kemp-Loadbalacer:
Ansonsten danke für die tolle Arbeit – weiter so!