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Exchange Reporter 3.2 available

Today is the day, I have just uploaded version 3.2 of the Exchange Reporter. In the current version, I was able to correct many errors thanks to many comments. Many thanks at this point to all those who have reported errors. I would especially like to thank Ajdin, who not only found most of the bugs, but also provided the fix. Many thanks for that!

Below is a list of the changes and new features. I have to admit that I have not included all the bugs, some of them were just a character twist.

There are also 4 new modules, the corresponding documentation for the modules can be found in the manual.

Here is the list of changes to Exchange Reporter:

Here is a screenshot of the SSLLabsReport module.

Exchange Reporter can be downloaded here:

Since the form for reporting errors has proven to be very useful, I will continue to use it accordingly. So if there are any problems with Exchange Reporter, please use the form:

    Your name (mandatory field)

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