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Exchange Reporter 3.9 available

I have just released the new version of the Exchange Reporter. Besides a small bugfix regarding the incorrectly displayed failover time of the databases within a DAG, three new modules are now available. Two of the new modules were contributed by Leslie. Leslie has already found and reported many bugs in the previous versions, so he deserves a big thank you here. A big thank you!

Das neue Modul „HealthChecker.ps1“ integriert das Script „Exchange Health Checker“ in den Exchange Reporter. Das Modul führt das Original Script aus und integriert die Ergebnisse des Health Checkers in den Exchange Reporter. Hier mal ein Beispiel:

If anyone is not yet familiar with the Exchange Health Checker: The script has been around since 2015 and was recently mentioned on the Exchange Team Blog:

The checks performed by the Health Checker can also be found under the link. In the current version, Exchange Reporter can now execute the Health Checker script and also display the results in the Exchange Report. In addition to the many available statistics, Exchange Reporter is now also able to automate the Health Check and summarize it in a report. Of course, the Health Checker can be updated independently of Exchange Reporter, how exactly this works can be found in the Exchange Reporter documentation.

Leslie hat mir zwei neue Module zugeschickt, welche ich ebenfalls gerne in den Reporter aufnehme. Das Modul „LicenceReport.ps1“ erzeugt eine Übersicht der genutzten und vorhandenen Exchange Client Access Lizenzen. Das Modul liefert einen guten Überblick, ob ggf. ein Lizenz Defizit vorliegt. Fairerweise muss ich allerdings sagen, dass die Auswertung nur einen sehr oberflächlichen Überblick der Lizenzen liefert, einem SAM-Audit hält dieses Modul in keinster Weise stand. Trotzdem finde ich das Modul ganz nützlich, hier mal ein Beispiel:

The module requires changes to the settings.ini. Therefore, please read the documentation to adapt the existing settings.ini accordingly, or adapt the supplied settings.ini accordingly.

Das ebenfalls neue Modul „AddressListsReport.ps1“ liefert einen Überblick über die Exchange Adresslisten, so lassen sich Adresslisten aufspüren welche keine Einträge haben:

In larger environments, however, the module would have to be adapted somewhat, as a list of all members can generate a very large report. In environments where there are many address lists, however, I find the module very useful.

Furthermore, two small errors have been fixed. In the DAGReport.ps1 the wrong failover time and an incorrect number of database copies were displayed. The current version can be downloaded here:

Click here to go to the Exchange Reporter page with a detailed description:

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