Better late than never: CU 11 for Exchange Server 2016 was released today. Microsoft is a little late this time, as the updates were actually expected back in September.
Due to the late release of CU11, there will be no CU in December. CU12 will therefore not be released until March 2019 together with CU1 for Exchange Server 2019.
There is no new CU for Exchange 2013, as Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2010 are in extended support.
For Exchange 2010, however, there is the UR24, which was already released in September, so I'm including it here.
Click here for details of the changes:
Click here for the article about the updates on the Exchange Team Blog:
Here you can find an article about points that need to be considered when installing CUs for Exchange 2016:
Exchange 2016: Install cumulative updates (CU)
Windows Defender and other virus scanners in particular should be deactivated for the duration of the installation, as they tend to cause problems during the update. Windows Defender in particular ensures that Exchange CUs take several hours to install.
The Server Component States should also be checked after installing an update; the relevant information can be found here:
Exchange 2016: Server Component States
Here you can also find an article about possible stumbling blocks in the .NET Framework dependencies of the CUs for Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016:
Exchange 2013: Stumbling block when updating an old version to the current CU