Exchange Toolbox for Exchange Server 2016

I received a lot of feedback on the first beta version of the Exchange Toolbox and was able to fix several problems as a result. Now there is a new version that mainly fixes problems, but also integrates message tracking.

The aim of the Exchange Tool Box is to provide a small, handy GUI for quick error diagnosis. However, there are still a few obstacles to overcome:

  • Autodiscover requires Outlook
  • Message Tracking requires Exchange Management Shell
  • Queues require Exchange Management Shell
  • Presentation of the results
  • Error handling

If you want, you can download and test the current version. I would be happy to receive feedback.

The following functions are currently integrated into the Exchange Toolbox

The "Network" tab allows you to perform DNS lookups and simple ping tests:

Exchange Toolbox

Autodiscover.xml can also be called up, but this requires an Outlook profile and therefore an installed Outlook. I am currently working on a way to get by without Outlook. Currently the Autodiscover.xml is only displayed as text, in the future I plan to display the URLs and make them easier to read:

Exchange Toolbox

A test mail can be sent on the "Mail test" tab, and the user name and password can also be used if required:

Exchange Toolbox

Also on board is a small port scanner with which the network connection can be tested:


"Windows Services" lists the services of a server, here you can also filter explicitly for Exchange services. The query is carried out via WMI:

Exchange Toolbox

The "Certificates" tab makes it possible to display the certificate of a web server, the most important parameters are displayed. However, this function is not quite perfect yet, so I will be working on it in the next versions:

Exchange Toolbox

The Exchange Server queues can also be displayed:

Exchange Toolbox

The "Blacklist Check" function checks an IP address against 78 blacklists (RBLs), so you can quickly determine whether your own IP or the sender's IP is on an RBL:

Exchange Toolbox

The Message Tracking GUI is now also integrated in the Exchange Tool Box, so mails no longer have to be searched for via the Exchange Management Shell. However, the Exchange Management Shell is required for the Message Tracking feature, as this is a "graphical" extension of the corresponding CMDLets:

Exchange Toolbox

Download Exchange Toolbox

You can download the latest version of the Exchange Tool Box here:

4 thoughts on “Exchange Toolbox für Exchange Server 2016”

  1. Hi, in der Toolbox muss auf jeder Seite der Servername bzw. IP Adresse eingegeben werden. Kann man das ändern, so das es nur 1x nötig ist und nicht jede einzelne Seite?

    Ansonsten ein neues TOP Standardtool … :-)


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