Exchange Updates page

From now on you will find an overview of the current Exchange versions, updates and support periods here. As soon as new Exchange updates are released, I will try to update the page promptly. This will give you quick access to the latest download links. Of course, there will still be a post about available updates, the new page should serve as a lean overview page for the current Exchange versions.

You also have the option of being notified of new Exchange updates directly by e-mail via the page. Subscribers who have already subscribed to the regular newsletter do not need to register again. The Exchange update notification only sends an email when there are new updates, no other emails about new posts or other information. The update mail will look something like this (I'm still working on it):

Exchange Updates page

You will also find a form on the page itself, so if something is wrong or a link doesn't work, you can report it directly. I will then try to correct it immediately.

If you would like more information on the site, you can also use the form

10 thoughts on “Seite zu Exchange Updates”

  1. Hallo Herr Zöchling, ich hätte da ggf. eine Verbesserung zu bieten, können Sie auf Ihrer Website auch Bilder oder xlsx unterbringen, wenn ja, sende ich morgen gern was zu und würden dies jeden Monat bekommen. Könnte der Community hier helfen.


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