True to the motto of the Exchange User Group Berlin:
We all get better when we share
The Exchange User Group Berlin and the Exchange User Group OWL are now partner communities. Both offline communities are still in their infancy, but have the same goal:
- We want to promote the direct exchange between administrators, consultants and interested parties in a convivial atmosphere.
The first meeting of the Exchange User Group Berlin is currently scheduled to take place on December 15, 2016 at ppedv's premises in Berlin. The Exchange User Group Berlin offers a platform for interested parties from the Berlin area to discuss current topics with like-minded people. You can find more information and register here:
The plans for the next EUGO meeting are also taking shape. We are aiming for a quarterly cycle, but due to various deadlines we will not be able to keep to this completely. According to current planning, the next EUGO meeting will take place in February 2017. More details will of course follow.
Unfortunately, I can't be at the first meeting of the Berlin user group, but I'm determined to be at the second meeting.
I hope that both communities will achieve a firm position in the future and can offer added value to all participants. Only a community with direct exchange... and a cold beer... offers the "view outside the box" and the opportunity to ask directly "Hey, how do you do it?".
By the way: The initiator of the Exchange User Group in Berlin is probably not entirely unknown be. In my opinion, these are the best conditions.