I have received quite a few emails asking for some kind of Exchange user group or user meeting in the Ostwestfalen-Lippe or NRW region. Unfortunately, as far as I know, there are no such user meetings in the OWL region that focus on Microsoft technologies and products.
The good news is that this will soon change!
Andres Sichel (Andi's IT Blog) and I have joined forces and are planning the "Exchange User Group OWL" (EUGO for short) for the first time in September in Bielefeld.
In the near future, Andi and I will announce further information and also publish a small registration form, so it's always worth checking back here or with Andi. We will also publish the date and a small agenda soon.
Andi and I want to create an open discussion round in which the focus is on sharing ideas and not a PowerPoint slide battle with dry topics. So if you want to talk shop over a cold beer, you should definitely take part.
We are already very excited and look forward to interesting talks and discussions.
Guten Abend,
super Sache bin dabei :)
Hi Oliver,
das freut mich. Details folgen :)
Gruß, Frank
Hi Frank,
auch von mir Daumen hoch! Ich habe ebenfalls Interesse.
Je nachdem wo, bin ich dabei …
Daumen hoch!