First information about Exchange 2016

A first look at the upcoming Exchange version (Exchange 2016) will be available at Microsoft Ignite. At the Exchange Team Blog, some information about Exchange 2016 is already available. The release of Exchange 2016 is planned for the second half of this year. The Ignite Session for Exchange 2016 is expected to be available online from May 7.

Here is the information that has already been published on the Exchange Team Blog for Exchange 2016:

  • A new approach to document collaboration that makes it easy to send links and collaborate without versioning issues of attachments
  • Faster and more intelligent search, to help users quickly find what they need in their mailboxes and calendars
  • Significant improvements to eDiscovery search performance and reliability
  • Better extensibility, including new REST-based APIs for Mail, Calendar, and Contacts that simplify web and mobile development

More and more information is likely to be released in the coming weeks, so wait and see Smiley

3 thoughts on “Erste Information zu Exchange 2016”

    • Hi,
      PGP lässt sich bereits in Verbindung mit Outlook und anderen Clients als End-to-End Verschlüsselung nutzen. Im Exchange Umfeld ist aber wohl S/MIME die bessere Wahl, da es auch Smartphones und OWA unterstützt. Gerade in Unternehmen macht S/MIME in Verbindung mit einer PKI meiner Ansicht nach mehr Sinn, wenn man Sachen wie Archivierung, Backup/Restore und DLP zu beachten hat. PGP würde ich da eher Gateway-to-End Verschlüsselung einsetzen, wenn S/MIME nicht gewünscht und/oder unterstützt wird.

      Gruß nach Hamburg :-),


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