It's been 5 years since I bought the first short contribution written here. There are now 442 posts. Five years ago, I would never have thought that I would get to know so many nice people through this site. Some of them have even become friends that I've gotten to know personally. So for me personally, this site has been a complete success.
To celebrate our first birthday, we have a competition for you to win Microsoft Press books, kindly sponsored by Microsoft Germany (thank you!). You can choose from the following books:
2 x Exchange Server 2013 - The manual
2 x Windows Server 2012 - Guide for administrators
1 x Scripting with Windows PowerShell 3.0
To take part in the competition, simply send me an e-mail to and write which book you are particularly interested in. You can also register for all books, but you will only receive one book each. Each e-mail address will be entered in the list of the respective book, on 05.11. the lot decides who wins. All winners will then be notified by e-mail.
Of course you can also give me presents ;) Maybe I will see you in Darmstadt...
Glückwunsch zum Blog-Jubiläum :-)
Glückwunsch zum Jubiläum.
und Danke für die zahlreichen Beiträge (und Projekte) hier, die schon oft weitergeholfen haben!
Hallo Franky,
die herzlichsten Glückwünsche auch von mir, weiter so und vielen Dank für die geleistete Arbeit.
Hallo Franky,
herzlichen Glückwunsch zu 5 Jahren
Deine Webseite hat mir schon oft geholfen und ich lese deine Berichte oft mit großen Interesse.
Bitte nach weiter so und vielen dank für deine Arbeit.