FrankysWeb now looks a little different

FrankysWeb now looks a little different. The differences are not that big, but something has changed in the design. I still like the colors, so I've left it as it is for the most part. However, there have been some changes to the layout. The content area has become a little wider and the font a little larger, so I hope it's a little easier to read.

For comparison, here is a screenshot of the old design:


I still have some work to do, for example a few strings still need to be translated, but I'll catch up on that in the next few days.

I hope you like it. Criticism, suggestions, congratulations, thanks, insults, as always via the contact form or simply in the comments.

2 thoughts on “FrankysWeb sieht jetzt etwas anders aus”

  1. Hi,

    ich finde die Seite gewinnt durch die Anpassungen dazu. Nur würde ich die Socialmedia-Symbole rechts vom Suchsymbol anordnen um den Platz oben besser zu nutzen. Die Lupe dann eventuell etwas größer oder mit einer Pipe von den anderen Symbolen abgrenzen.



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