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Happy New Year! (and a look back with an outlook)

Another year has passed and it's time again: Happy New Year! I wish all visitors, readers, supporters and friends a happy and healthy new year, may all your wishes and resolutions come true.

As in previous years, I would like to take a brief look back at the past year 2019. The number of visitors increased significantly again in 2019. In 2018, there were 1.7 million visitors, in 2019 there were just over 2.1 million visitors. I think that's quite impressive again.

Here are the TOP 3 articles from 2019 that were accessed most frequently:

Interestingly, the first two articles are from 2015, but as support for Exchange 2010 is coming to an end soon, I'm not particularly surprised. Exchange migration is a perennial issue.

Here are the TOP 3 downloads from 2019:

I always set myself a few personal goals for this page, which I try to achieve in the coming year. At the end of 2018, I had set myself the following goals:

The new whitepaper is still not available, the plan was to create a whitepaper on Exchange Server and certificates back in 2018, but I haven't managed it yet. Instead of the white paper, I tried to automate the process. This actually worked quite well, after all, the Certificate Assistant in 5th place for downloads (13380 downloads).

I had already started with the redesign and had chosen a promising new WordPress theme. Somehow, however, I lost sight of the theme. I will probably try to do it again next year. After all, something new has to come along at some point.

So the balance of my goals doesn't look particularly good. At least the third goal, "Improve communication and interaction", is going quite well. After the topic "Want to join in? We're looking for you!" didn't really take off, there is now a forum on this site. This has been much better received and my inbox with unprocessed mails has also become much smaller. There are currently over 300 registered users in the forum, just under 200 posts and almost 1000 contributions/replies. I think that's pretty impressive, as the forum has only been online since 13.20.19.

In total, there are over 900 articles here, almost 100 more than in 2018.

That's it for the review, so I'd better venture a look ahead to the new year.

I have set myself one main goal for 2020: Exchange Monitor X. I have decided to use the script "Exchange Monitor" and, if everything works out as I imagine, there will be a completely new version of the Exchange Monitor. But I don't want to give too much away, because the many ideas I have already collected on the subject are not yet mature enough for concrete statements.

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