I wish all visitors, readers, supporters and friends a happy and healthy new year, may all your good intentions and wishes come true in the new year.

As every year, here is a brief review of the past year. The number of visitors increased again slightly in 2021. There were just under 2.5 million visitors in 2021, a good 300,000 more than in 2020. The old top 3 articles have finally been replaced by other posts. Here are the three articles that were viewed most frequently in 2021:
- Exchange Server: New security updates (March 2021)
- HowTo: Installation of Exchange 2019 on Server 2019
- Exchange 2016: Server error in application (OWA and/or ECP)
The fact that an article about a security update for Exchange is in first place was due to the HAFNIUM gap. All in all, the sometimes critical security vulnerabilities in Exchange Server have hit many admins hard in the past year, so it's all the better that articles on Exchange 2010 are no longer called up so often. In 2020, articles dealing with Exchange 2010 were still in the top 3, but this is no longer the case. I therefore assume that many Exchange 2010 installations have been migrated.
The forum is also continuing to develop positively, with over 320,000 hits in 2021 and there are now over 4,400 posts and over 2,100 members.
The top 3 downloads have only changed in the download figures:
- Exchange Autodiscover Whitepaper (53,887 downloads)
- Exchange Message Tracking GUI (44,248 downloads)
- Exchange Reporter (31,681 downloads)
There are a total of 1025 posts on this page, so a good 100 posts have been added in 2021. So I've been relatively busy.
The new Exchange Server version was actually supposed to be released in 2021, but unfortunately it has become very quiet on the subject. Not much more has happened so far than the announcement of Exchange vNext at Ignite 2020. Maybe something will happen in 2022, then I would have a topic to write about again.
With this in mind: Happy New Year!
Gutes neues Jahr euch allen,
Ich habe das selbe Problem, komischerweise nicht auf allen Exchange Servern in der gleichen DAG
Falls jemand Updates hat….
Folgendes lösst das Problem (allenfalls auch automatisch nach 2h)
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Forefront.Filtering.Management.Powershell
Start-EngineUpdate -UpdatePath http://amupdatedl.microsoft.com/server/amupdate -verbose
Hat bei mir leider nicht geholfen. Das Pattern-Update scheint er gemacht zu haben.
Nur lautet der Fehler jetzt
The FIP-FS „Microsoft“ Scan Engine failed to load. PID: 18256, Error Code: 0x80004005. Error Description: Can’t convert „2201010006“ to long.
statt vorher 2201010001
Nachtrag: Ich denke eher dass das ein Bug ist.
LONG_MAX geht halt nur bis 2147483647 ;)
Gutes Neues zusammen.
Ich hatte heute morgen schon Spass mit dem Filtering Management Service und dem Exchange Anti-malware Agent.
Seit einem Update heute Nacht (ca. 02:00 Uhr) wurden auf keinem meiner Server mehr Mails verarbeitet.
Mir ist noch nicht ganz klar was die genaue Ursache ist. Einziger Workaround im Moment war die Scan-Engine zu deaktivieren.
Falls jemand mehr weiß….