2020 is finally over and welcome to 2021 - it can only get better! With this in mind: Happy New Year!
I wish all visitors, readers, supporters and friends a happy and healthy new year, may all your wishes and resolutions come true.
As the fireworks had to be largely canceled at the turn of the year, there is no picture of fireworks here, but of a sparkler.
But not everything was bad in 2020, so here is another blog review of the year. Visitor numbers rose slightly again in 2020, with just over 2.1 million visitors in 2019 and just over 2.2 million in 2020. All in all, I think that's another decent figure. Incidentally, this blog turned 10 years old in May 2020, which is quite an old age for a blog. The birthday was also the occasion for a new design, although the design has only changed a little in terms of color, the blog has benefited significantly in terms of performance (although there is still potential for optimization).
Here are the TOP 3 articles from 2020 that were accessed most frequently:
- Migration from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016 (Part 1)
- Migration from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2016 (Part 2)
- Migration Domain Controller to Server 2016
Incidentally, these are the same posts that were already at the top in 2019. So it seems that Exchange 2010 is still a big topic, even though support has long since expired. There are a total of 964 articles on this page, around 70 articles more than last year.
Here are the TOP 3 downloads from 2020, with hardly any change here either:
- Exchange Autodiscover Whitepaper (46,527 downloads)
- Exchange Message Tracking GUI (32,509 downloads)
- Exchange Reporter (26,766 downloads)
I always set myself a few personal goals for this blog, and I was even able to achieve a few of them. Firstly, the new whitepaper "Exchange certificates " has been published, which, however, only has just under 2000 downloads and the forum is also developing quite well, albeit slowly. The forum now has just under 2600 posts from 650 members, so it is a small but excellent forum.
The new Exchange Server version is expected in 2021, so I will certainly have a lot to do here again. I hope that I will find a little more time in 2021 to create more HowTo's, I already have a few ideas.
Vielen Dank Frank!
Auch dir wünsche ich ein gesundes neues Jahr. Bleib gesund!!
Ich möchte dir von ganzen Herzen für deine Arbeit, das Teilen deines Wissens, der aufgebrachten Zeit und deine Hilfe bei Fragen, auf diesem Wege nochmal danken.
Mehrmals in der Woche lese ich bei dir nach, stelle Fragen oder lese mich in Themen ein.
Das ist alles andere als eine Selbstverständlichkeit!!
Vielen Dank