Happy New Year!

The year 2018 felt like it flew by, at least for me, so I would like to wish all visitors, readers, supporters and friends a happy and, above all, healthy new year.

Happy New Year!

It's almost a tradition for me to publish a short review here. FrankysWeb has been around for over 8 years now.

The number of visitors continued to rise in 2018, which I didn't really expect. Over 1.7 million visitors came here in 2018, which is a good 200,000 more than in 2017.

The most requested article in 2018 was an updated installation guide for Exchange 2016:

On average, the article was viewed over 100 times a day. It is closely followed by the migration guide in 2nd place:

The article is from 2015, but if many Exchange 2016 servers have been installed, then many environments have probably also been migrated. The following article is the third most viewed article:

So it was a good year for Exchange 2016, with installation, migration and configuration in first place.

The Autodiscover Whitepaper has now been downloaded over 26,000 times, making it the most frequently downloaded document, closely followed by the latest Message Tracking GUI with just under 21,000 downloads.

There are now 834 posts on this page, 101 posts were published in 2018. I had actually planned to publish another white paper on Exchange and certificates, but unfortunately I didn't manage it again. At least I have finished the table of contents, but unfortunately it wasn't enough for more. So I missed my personal goal.

Looking back, I have to say that I was able to implement some ideas, but unfortunately not others. I had hoped to get more people to contribute, but unfortunately this didn't work out as easily as I had imagined. However, at least I've got a bit better at replying to comments compared to 2017, although there is still room for improvement on my part.

I have already set myself a few personal goals for 2019. I don't want to reveal exactly what they are yet.

I would be very pleased to receive suggestions for improvement, ideas and topic requests. You are welcome to use the contact form.

Speaking of the contact form, this was my personal highlight:

Happy New Year!

But at least I answered:

Happy New Year!

With this in mind: Happy New Year to all!

4 thoughts on “Frohes Neues!”

  1. Hi Franky,

    vielen Dank für deine Arbeit die du dir machst und die Hilfe die du uns hier bietest.
    Vorallem die Themen zu Exchange haben mir schon sehr oft geholfen. Mach weiter so!

    Jeder Exchange Admin sollte FrankysWeb kennen!

    Viele Grüße,

  2. Hallo Franky – Danke für Deine unglaublich wichtig Arbeit rund um Exchange. Du hilfst mir (und sicherlich nicht nur mir) damit sehr. Mach weiter so und alles Gute für 2019!

    Apropos Kotaktformular: Aus eigener Erfahrung heraus, kann man sich die (Deine) Antwortmail gern als Vorlage speichern. Wird öfters gebraucht als man denkt ;-)

  3. …ich glaube, ich sollte das Kontaktformular noch öfters nutzen ;)
    Danke dir für die tolle Arbeit und „weiter so“… die 2 Mio Besucher knackst du noch :)


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