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Can artificial intelligence (AI) offer added value?

Artificial intelligence has been an absolute hype topic for some time now and huge sums are being invested in the development of ever better AI models. Last year I bought a small contribution to OpenAI and ChatGPT and an incredible amount has happened in the past few years when it comes to artificial intelligence. I have tried out what OpenAI's AI can do from time to time and am always impressed. I now use ChatGPT every day, not only at work but also in my private life.

At work, for example, I like to get help with scripts, which works particularly well if you have a good command of the scripting language (e.g. PowerShell) and the target system (e.g. Exchange Server). This way, you can leave the main work for the script to the AI and then usually only have to adapt it a little to your own environment. This works great for me and, above all, is much faster than writing every line yourself.

Privat nutze ich ChatGPT hauptsächlich zum Lernen. Ich spiele beispielsweise gerne mit RaspberryPIs rum und bastele mir da die verschiedensten Gadgets zurecht: Datenlogger für das eMTB, DSL Zustandsampel, Alarmanlage für die Garage. Aktuell spiele ich mit ML und Bilderkennung rum, wäre schön wenn mir der Kühlschrank irgendwann mal einen Hinweis geben könnte wann der Joghurt abläuft…

I've also tried my hand at an AI blog before. The idea was that an AI collects the exciting topics on artificial intelligence over a week, translates them into German and then creates an article for me on a blog so that I can read through it at my leisure. It actually worked quite well, I would have to test it again with the current models.

But now for the new idea:

Can an AI also offer added value here on this blog?

There are now over 1100 posts on, most of which are technical in some way and you will find them if you search for a specific problem: Thank Google. So far so simple, but what I've been wondering for a while is, could I use all these articles to train an AI? Could this AI then publish an article here? Would this article be worth reading? Would this article be helpful? Could an AI offer added value here?

I then had a few thoughts on the subject and thought that I would like to try out whether an AI could offer added value here on this blog. I came up with the following requirements:

As you know, is based on WordPress and for WordPress there is a plugin for every problem. When searching for „AI“-Plugins I get over 1000 hits, but I'm not going to use them. I'd rather build something myself so that I can also learn.

What happens next?

In the near future, I will first prepare this WordPress blog and start looking for a rating system. I will also look into how I can best label AI-generated content. I think GPT-4o from OpenAI will be used in the first attempts, as I have the most experience with it so far. When all this is ready, I'll see how it could go on.

Für diesen Beitrag wollte ich dann auch gleich mal ein Artikelbild von Dall-E erstellen lassen, den Titel „Kann Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) einen Mehrwert bieten?“ habe ich einfach mal als Prompt genommen:

Ich werde mich wohl ein paar HowTos zum Thema Prompt Engineering anschauen müssen…

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