I wish all friends, readers and supporters a Merry Christmas, take care of yourselves and stay healthy.
I wish all admins who are looking after the well-being of the systems during or between the holidays every success. Take a few days off as soon as possible and treat yourselves and your loved ones to something nice.

I would like to thank you once again for the great support, the many nice emails and above all for the numerous forum contributions! I would especially like to thank the active forum members who offer competent and completely unselfish help to other people here. thank you very much!
As every year, there will be a short review of the past year at the turn of the year. Between the holidays, I will take a break and then start again next year with new goals. With this in mind, I wish you all a HAPPY CHRISTMAS!
Danke , merci
im Voraus best gruesse aus Frankreich fuer Dich und bleib Gesund, und Danke fuer alle super gute Beitraege in Exchange und Scripts
Auch für dich frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr. Und ein großes Dankeschön für deine hervorragende Arbeit und den tollen Blog.
Vielen Dank
dss Gleiche für dich und deine Lieben