Microsoft has also made PowerShell available for Linux and MacOS X on GitHub:
In addition to a DEB package for Ubuntu and an RPM for CentOS, a package for Mac OS X is also available for download.
Microsoft has published PowerShell under the MIT license. The Powershell for Linux is therefore open source.
I immediately tried out the DEB package for Ubuntu 16.04. The installation on an existing Ubuntu server is simple:
sudo apt-get install libunwind8 libicu55 sudo dpkg -i powershell_6.0.0-alpha.9-1ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb
Die DEB Datei habe ich vorher via SCP in mein Home Verzeichnis kopiert. Nach der Installation des Paketes lässt sich die Powershell einfach mit dem Kommando „powershell“ starten:
Windows PowerShell scripts will of course not necessarily run directly under Linux, precisely because the paths are different:
Es handelt sich um eine sehr frühe Version der PowerShell, allerdings sind schon eine ganze Menge CMDlets verfügbar. Alle Befehle lassen sich via „get-command“ anzeigen:
Powershell scripts can also be executed under Linux, here is a small test:
I've only tested it briefly now, but I'm already impressed. I will continue to work with it, because I can already think of a whole host of applications.