Microsoft Tech Summit Frankfurt

Unfortunately, there is the Microsoft Technical Summit, as it last year in Darmstadt no longer took place. Instead, the Microsoft Tech Summit will be held in Frankfurt at the beginning of 2018:

Microsoft Tech Summit Frankfurt

The Microsoft Tech Summit is a 2-day event and participation is free of charge. However, the Tech Summit cannot be compared with the Technical Summit. The Tech Summit has almost only cloud topics in the session catalog. The Technical Summit also covered many interesting topics outside of the cloud.

There are only three Exchange Server sessions in the catalog. There is nothing for people who only run Exchange locally:


So the focus at the Microsoft Tech Summit is clearly on Azure and Office 365, as you can see from the text in the banner. Personally, however, I don't really feel like I belong to any of the target audience groups:


That makes me look back a little wistfully on the Technical Summit. I'd like to see more technical instead of tech again, but that's just my opinion. Maybe Microsoft could organize the "On-Premises Sunday"? Just for "old times' sake"... But for everyone else, click here to register for the Tech Summit in Frankfurt:

Unfortunately I can't participate, I still have to update the autoexec.bat and config.sys optimizemanually, of course... I feel old... Smile



Joking aside, I wish all participants two great days and lots of interesting sessions. I think many people will find this event interesting, especially to get an up-to-date overview of Microsoft's cloud topics. If anyone reading this article still has a "Small Business Server" in the storeroom -> sign up! (at the Summit... not with me... Sunday is already planned)

4 thoughts on “Microsoft Tech Summit Frankfurt”

  1. Jetzt kommt aber neues „Bauchweh“ auf mit der neuen EU Datenschutzverarbeitungsverordnung …
    In dem Punkt ist On-Premise jedenfalls save(r).

  2. Auf den Punkt gebracht. On-Premise ist halt nicht mehr hipp!

    Ich glaube ich werde bei unserer HR-Abteilung mal anfragen ob ich in meinem Job Titel „Influencer“ integrieren kann.

  3. … ich bin auch immer gerne auf die Microsoft Veranstaltungen gegangen (SharePoint Server Summit mit 2500 Leuten in Berlin), Technical Summits und Partnerveranstaltungen …
    Irgendwelche Interessante Informationen waren für mich (und meine Kunden) immer dabei … (Small Business Server bis Windows Phone) …
    Inzwischen kostet mich aber so ein kostenloses Event auch mehr als 1000 Euro.
    – 2 Tage kein Einkommen, da entfernt vom Kunden
    – Hotel
    – Anfahrt



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