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New Exchange Server updates (April 2024)

Microsoft has released new updates for Exchange Server 2016 and 2019. The hotfix update (HU) is intended to the problems of the previous security updates (SU) from March 2024. In addition to the fixes for the quite numerous problems of the March SU, two new features are also added with this hotfix update:

Click here to download the HU:

These problems with the March SU will be resolved:

This problem is not fixed by the HU and will only be fixed in the future:

The hotfix update can be installed directly, it does not matter if the March SU is already installed. The April HU also contains the security patches of the March SU. The HU is distributed as an optional update via Windows Update, so the installation is probably not automatic (which is generally not a good idea with Exchange updates, see above).

Click here for the article on the Exchange Team Blog:

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