New subpage: Projects

Some of you have probably already noticed that there is a new subpage called Projects. On this page I publish tools that were either gimmicks or have disappeared from focus.

There are currently two tools that have been more or less successful: The Room Display and the Header Analyzer.

The room display was once intended as a digital free/occupied display for meeting rooms:


The Header Analyzer was intended to make the mail headers easier to read:


I will be publishing more tools and instructions in the near future. However, it should be said at this point that some of them didn't make it beyond a DIY project, either because I lost interest in them or because the intended use was no longer given.

So the projects on this page are all little private craft stories that I tried out at some point. Some things have been developed further in the meantime, others were quickly buried again. A good example of a successful project is the "Exchange Reporter", which is now used by some well-known organizations that sometimes have very large Exchange environments.

But the failed attempts could also be interesting. Maybe someone will find someone to develop it further, if not, the projects will just languish on their own site. Still better than ending up on the local hard disk and falling victim to the big clean-up at some point. I really need to tidy up.

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