New updates for Exchange Server 2013 / 2016

New updates for Exchange Server 2013 and Exchange Server 2016 were released today. Click here to download directly:

CU13 for Exchange 2013 and CU2 for Exchange 2016 bring .NET 4.6.1 Support and fix a problem when migrating public folders, which leads to Data loss could lead.

The Exchange Team recommends installing the respective Exchange CU before installing .NET Framework 4.6.1. Furthermore, the following .NET updates are required after the upgrade:

The CU 2 for Exchange 2016 also updates the Active Directory schema. The CU2 is now only available for download as an ISO file, but I find this much easier to handle than the old large .EXE file. However, the ISO file is also significantly larger at just under 6.5 GB:


The Exchange 2013 CU13 is still available as an EXE file and is "only" just under 1.7 GB in size. Both CUs are suitable for the update as well as for a new installation.

Although there were no such serious problems with the last CUs that updates had to be withdrawn, it is still advisable, as always, not to update too quickly and to test thoroughly.

2 thoughts on “Neue Updates für Exchange Server 2013 / 2016”

  1. Hallo,

    kann es sein, dass mit Exchange 2016 CU2 das AdminAuditLog nicht mehr korrekt funktioniert?

    Ich sehe mit dem Befehl [Search-AdminAuditLog -StartDate „xx/xx/xxxx“ -EndDate „xx/xx/xxxx“] Einträge in der Shell. Über das Exchange Admin Center sehe ich eine leere Liste, und den Shellbefehl kann ich nicht auf ein spezifisches Cmdlet oder einen Admin filtern, da liefert er ebenso nichts zurück.

    Kann jemand das Verhalten bestätigen, im Technet und anderen Seiten finde ich nichts dazu?

    Danke Steve

    • Hallo,

      schau doch mal ob das Auditlog aktiviert ist:

      Get-AdminAuditLogConfig | FL AdminAuditLogEnabled

      Ich hatte in ähnliches Problem (keine Einträge im AuditLog), folgendes hat dann geholfen:

      Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -AdminAuditLogCmdlets *

      Gruß, Frank


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