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Outlook 2016: Using the search effectively

I really like the new search function in Outlook 2016. I can now find emails much more quickly; with Outlook 2013, it took noticeably longer to display the results. But whether Outlook 1013 or Outlook 2016, the search can be used much more effectively if you know what you can do. So here is a quick run-through.

When an email is searched for, you usually remember a few key points. For example, the name of the sender or parts of the content / subject. The more precisely you enter the search terms, the more accurate it is.

There are also a few operators with which the search can be made more precise. The following operators can be used:

The operators can also be combined, for example:

FROM:frank AND content:xxx NOT:xxx

Amazing results can be achieved with just a few operators. The operator is always followed by a colon and then the character string to be searched for; if the exact character string is to be searched for, the term can be placed in quotation marks:

VON:xxx UND Inhalt:“Test“

This means that only test is searched for, the word test environment would be ignored. Please make sure that there is no colon after AND, OR, NOT.

There are also a few useful settings for searching:

If you have several mailboxes connected, you can have all mailboxes searched directly without having to switch to the relevant mailbox first.

If the search does not work as desired, the index can be recreated:

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