Exchange 2013: Publish web services via Forefront TMG

Greg Taylor has published a nice guide to publishing Exchange 2013 web services on the Exchange Team Blog. All nicely illustrated with pictures. Unfortunately, Forefront TMG has been discontinued and support for Forefront UAG and Exchange 2013 is not yet available.

Outlook 2010: Outlook does not start, MAPI 1.0 error [000004C2]

If Outlook 2010 displays this error message, this is usually due to a program blocking the MAPI interface The login was canceled because system resources were not available in time. Please try again. MAPI 1.0 [000004C2] In this case, add-ons such as CTI applications often block the interface. XPhone or Blackberry are popular candidates for this. Manual termination or reinstallation ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Outlook Web App shows HTTP error code 301/310

The following error occurs if redirects for OWA are not configured correctly: Error while testing during the first request to Outlook Web App. HTTP code: 301 The Internet Explorer shows little about this: As already mentioned, the cause is incorrect redirects in the IIS of the Exchange Server. The incorrect redirects may not be visible in the IIS Manager, ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Datacenter Switch-Over Troubleshooter

Microsoft has published a great tool that belongs in every emergency kit when a DAG is in operation across 2 data centers. The PowerPoint presentation uses simple questions and instructions to query the status of the data centers and issues the appropriate commands to perform a data center switch-over. Especially in the event of a complete data center failure, you are "easily" ... Read more

Exchange 2003: Troubleshooting public folder replication issues

Comes "a little" late, but is still helpful, as I believe that many migrations from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 are currently being carried out (even if only as an intermediate step to migrate to Exchange 2013). Microsoft has put the "Public Folder Replication Troubleshooter" online for this purpose, currently the website only deals with replication problems with Exchange ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Enable or disable mailbox features for all mailboxes

To enable the mailbox features ActiveSync, Outlook Web App and Outlook Anywhere for all users, the following command can be used: get-mailbox -resultsize Unlimited | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $false -ActiveSyncEnabled $false -MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp $true To enable the mailbox features for all users again, the following command is sufficient: get-mailbox -resultsize Unlimited | Set-CASMailbox -OWAEnabled $true -ActiveSyncEnabled $true -MAPIBlockOutlookRpcHttp $false

Public folders and Exchange 2013

An interesting article on public folders and Exchange 2013 was published in the Exchange Team Blog. I think it's well worth reading: The public folder database has always been a bit of a thorn in my side, but I can only welcome the removal and integration of public folders into the mailbox database. In my opinion, the biggest advantage is the integration ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Offline address book is not created / Update of address lists fails

When trying to update the Exchange address lists via Exchange Management Shell, you may receive this message: WARNING: The recipient "frankysweb.local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Schedule+ Schedule Information - Offline Address Book - First Administrative Group" is invalid and could not be updated. The message can occur for one or more address lists. The lists may have different names depending on the environment. This problem ... Read more

Exchange 2007, 2010, 2013: Setting up Windows Phone 8 for ActiveSync

To complete the setup of the Active Sync Clients, here are the instructions for Windows Phone 8. The instructions for the other smartphone operating systems can be found here: Android 4: iOS, Android 2.X, Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile: But now only setting up Windows Phone 8, by the way, I used the Windows Phone SDK ... Read more