Exchange 2010 SP2: Configure static ports

For environments with load balancers or firewalls between the Exchange servers, it makes sense to configure static ports for the distribution of the address book and RPC. By default, Exchange uses dynamic ports for these two services, which makes the configuration of firewalls and load balancers more difficult. To configure a static port for RPC, a new port must first be ... Read more

Outlook 2010: Some attachments are opened read-only

In Outlook 2010, some files / attachments (for example *.MSG) are opened read-only and therefore cannot be edited directly. The reason for this is the attachment preview feature, which opens the attachment in the background in order to display it directly in the Outlook message window if possible. The attachment preview opens these files in the background: If the attachment is now opened by double-clicking ... Read more

Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate available

The release candidate of Windows Server 2012 was published by Microsoft today. If you want to take a look at the new Microsoft Server, you can download it here: I did this, of course, to get an impression of the new operating system. The last version I had installed was the beta, which was still called Windows 8 Server. ... Read more

Server 2008 R2 CA: Restore revocation list distribution points

I have often seen that the revocation list distribution points of a Server 2008 R2 certificate authority were configured incorrectly or not at all. I will therefore describe here how to restore the distribution points of an Active Directory integrated certification authority under Windows Server 2008 R2. The distribution points are configured under the "Extensions" tab in the properties of the certification authority. Here are the standard distribution points and ... Read more

Exchange Reporter: Version 1.1 is ready

Version 1.1 of the Exchange Reporter is ready for download. New features: Overview of the IIS certificates of the Exchange servers On request Exchange errors of the last 7 days on the event logs of the servers Operating system information of the Exchange servers (version and service pack) is displayed Size of the offline address books is displayed A few more values ... Read more

OABINTEG: Checking the integrity of the offline address book (OAB)

Although it is an "old" tool, it also works quite well under Exchange 2010, although there are a few limitations (it does not check the web-based publication of the OAB). Nevertheless useful to check the creation process of the OAB and especially to compare the OAB against the Active Directory. OABINTEG can be downloaded here ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Write mailbox size and mailbox limits to CSV file

Another script from the Quick-and-Dirty series: To quickly write the mailboxes and the limits at mailbox level to a CSV file, the following script can be used: "Name;IssueWarningQuota;SendQuota;SendReceiveQuota;Size" | add-content "postfaecher.csv" $mbxlist = get-mailbox foreach ($mbx in $mbxlist) { $size = Get-MailboxStatistics $mbx | ForEach-Object {$_.TotalItemSize} | ForEach-Object {$_.Value} $name = $mbx.Name $IW = ... Read more