Exchange 2010: Exchange Reporter online!

In my spare time I have dedicated myself to a new project, the "Exchange Reporter". This is a Powershell script that creates a weekly report and sends it by e-mail. The report contains the following data: -number of sent mails per weekday (with graphical overview) -number of received mails per weekday (with graphical overview) -received/sent mails per weekday ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Create room and device mailboxes with shared calendars

Resource mailboxes are a great thing. Meeting rooms and devices can be easily invited to an appointment. Resource mailboxes manage your calendars independently and automatically accept or reject bookings if the resource is already occupied. The administrator can control how long a resource can be booked. To get a quick overview of the utilization ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Count active users

Mike Pfeiffer has written a nice function for counting active Exchange users. This helped me a lot today, here is the entire article: Many thanks at this point.

Exchange 2010: Test Outlook WebServices error

The CMDlet "Test-OutlookWebServices" is useful for detecting configuration problems, but unfortunately the CMDlet is a little bit bitchy until it runs J This error usually occurs when running Test-OutlookWebServices: WARNING: Unexpected error. A Watson image is generated: The mailbox was not found. Mailbox = 'extest_a8e4e849bf564@mail.frankysweb.local'.. The mailbox was not found. Inbox = 'extest_a8e4e849bf564@mail.frankysweb.local'. + CategoryInfo ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Count the number of messages sent or received

I am often asked why it is not possible to query the number of received or sent messages, I have even come across a Powershell script that counts the messages in a cumbersome way. But there is an easier way: Count sent messages on day X: (Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "03.10.2012 00:00:00" -End "03.10.2012 23:59:00" -EventId SEND).count Received messages on ... Read more

Exchange 2010 SP2: Update RollUp 1 published

Update RollUp 1 has been released for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2. The RollUp can be downloaded here: A list of fixed bugs can be found here: There are a few important fixes, so read through them J

Exchange 2010: More than 2 import processes with New-MailboxImportRequest

By default, Exchange 2010 only allows 2 simultaneous imports of PST files. This value can be adjusted to increase the import speed. However, care must be taken here so that the server is not brought to its knees. The CMDLet "New-MailboxImportRequest" uses the "Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication" service to carry out import processes. The same service is also used for moving ... Read more