Exchange Server: Change display name for external mails

In the standard Active Directory setting, the display name is formed from the first and last name. However, many companies, mostly in German-speaking countries, change the generation of the display name to "last name and first name". This has the advantage that users are easier to find in the Exchange address book and in the Active Directory, as the sorting is based on the surname and ... Read more

New security updates for Exchange Server (May 2021)

Microsoft has released new security updates for all Exchange Server versions (2013 - 2019). This time it concerns the vulnerabilities that were successfully used in Pwn2Own 2021 to attack Exchange Server. The following vulnerabilities are fixed: CVE-2021-31209 CVE-2021-31207 CVE-2021-31198 CVE-2021-31195 Here is a description from the Pwn2Own website, presumably exactly this vulnerability is now fixed: The ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 3.9 available

I have just released the new version of the Exchange Reporter. Besides a small bugfix regarding the incorrectly displayed failover time of the databases within a DAG, three new modules are now available. Two of the new modules were contributed by Leslie. Leslie has already found and reported many bugs in the previous versions, so he deserves ... Read more

Error during the installation of the Exchange Online Shell

Sometimes it may be necessary to install the Exchange Online Shell on an older operating system, for example if an older Exchange Server version is to be migrated to Exchange Online or Microsoft 365. However, when trying to install the shell, an error may occur where the error message is not entirely clear. The following error message can occur, ... Read more

Exchange ReadTracking: Has a mail already been read?

From time to time it happens that you have to remove an email from your mailbox, for example because it should not have been sent in this way. Experience shows that this often happens with internal newsletters. The question often arises as to whether the mail has already been read, and if so, by how many recipients. With Exchange servers ... Read more

Exchange Hybrid: 554 5.4.108 SMTPSEND.DNS.MxLoopback

When routing emails in Exchange Hybrid mode, the following error may occur between Exchange on-prem and Microsoft 365 mailboxes when sending mails from a local mailbox (or an external sender) to an M365 mailbox: Remote Server returned '554 5.4.108 SMTPSEND.DNS.MxLoopback; DNS records for the next hop domain are configured in a loop -> ... Read more

New security updates for Exchange Server (April 2021)

Microsoft has released new security updates for all Exchange Server versions (2013 - 2019). These are likely to fix the vulnerabilities that were used in the Pwn2Own 2021 to attack Exchange Server. The following vulnerabilities are fixed: CVE-2021-28483 CVE-2021-28482 CVE-2021-28481 CVE-2021-28480 Here is a description from the Pwn2Own website, probably exactly this ... Read more

GRAMMM: A new alternative to Exchange Server?

The relatively young company grammm wants to offer an alternative to Exchange Server with its product of the same name. The idea itself is not new, as there have long been a number of projects (such as Open-X-Change, Kopano or Zimbra) that position themselves as an alternative to Exchange Server. grammm (groupware and much much more), however, is the first to offer Open ... Read more

Exchange Quarantine: User cannot access mailbox

A single user was no longer able to access his mailbox after a database failure due to a full log file partition. The problem only affected one user, while all other users were able to access the mailboxes in the database again. A general problem with the database could therefore be ruled out. The settings of the ... Read more