Exchange 2016: Server error in application, OWA and ECP cannot be called up

I have already written about this problem here: OWA and ECP deliver: server error in the application. However, the problem that OWA and ECP are no longer accessible after an update seems to occur quite frequently. At least I receive mails on this topic from time to time after the release of CUs. A reader has now kindly ... Read more

Birthday: FrankysWeb is 10 years old!

This year is a milestone birthday, as this site has now been in existence for 10 years. This birthday is being celebrated with a proper clean-up and a new design. I have implemented the following optimizations and improvements in the last few days: Disposed of old data (deleted thousands of corpses from the web server) Deleted 6 plugins that were obsolete Database ... Read more

Microsoft 365: Automatically assign a license to users

If user accounts are synchronized using Azure AD Connect, no Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) license is assigned by default. In the default setting, a corresponding license must therefore be assigned manually so that the users can use the Microsoft 365 services. However, this process can also be carried out automatically. So that users are automatically assigned a Microsoft ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.703-3)

Sophos has released the update for the UTM to version 9.703 in a bug-fixed version. The update initially caused various serious problems and was withdrawn by Sophos. The update is now available with the version number 9.703-3. This update is intended to fix the following problems: [NUTM-9381]: [Access & Identity] WebAdmin user getting an error while ... Read more

Sophos UTM: Very slow connection via WAF / Sensor for PRTG

A reader recently told me about a problem with the Sophos UTM web application firewall. Due to the Corona crisis, many of the employees have moved to the home office and have since been using more connections to the Exchange server, which are protected by the WAF of the Sophos UTM. So after there was a higher load on the UTM during the day ... Read more

QuickTip: Posh-SSH module on Windows Server 2019

On several Windows 2019 servers, I have already had the problem that the PowerShell module "Posh-SSH" only returns an error message when establishing an SSH connection. I had this problem with Windows Server 2019 and the Posh-SSH module in version 2.2. Here is a quick tip on how to fix the problem. The error message is as follows: ... Read more