Support for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 ends

It should be known by now that support for Windows Server 2008 (also for R2) and Windows 7 will end on January 14, 2020. There will therefore be no more security updates for these Windows versions. Support for Exchange Server 2010 was extended by Microsoft in September 2019 to 13.10.2020, but this does not include the operating system. ... Read more

Exchange Server: Create a backup of the configuration

Exchange Servers store a large part of the configuration in the Active Directory, which is why a backup of the Exchange Server does not include the configuration of the Exchange Server, but usually only the data (such as the mailboxes). Important settings such as permissions on mailboxes or settings for the virtual directories are stored in the Active Directory. Especially when ... Read more

Merry Christmas!

I wish all my friends, readers and supporters a merry and above all peaceful Christmas. I hope you can enjoy the holidays with your loved ones and take a break from the stress of everyday life. To all admins who remain on standby over the Christmas holidays or even fight directly for the well-being of the systems, don't let your mood be spoiled and treat yourselves to ... Read more

New updates for Exchange Server (December 2019)

Yesterday, Microsoft released a new update (CU) for Exchange Server 2019 and Exchange 2016. Here is an overview of the changes and fixes in the new CU: Cumulative Update 4 for Exchange Server 2019 Cumulative Update 15 for Exchange Server 2016 The CU 4 for Exchange 2019 can still only be downloaded via VLSC, MSDN ... Read more

Exchange 2019: Problems with the search / search index

With Exchange 2019, something has changed in the search index, the search index for the Outlook and OWA search is no longer separate from the mailbox database in the file system, but has been moved to the database as part of the mailbox. Resetting the search index by deleting the search index files in the file system works with Exchange ... Read more

Certificate Assistant: New version

I have just uploaded a new version of the Exchange Certificate Assistant. The old version still uses the Let's Encrypt protocol ACMEv1, which is no longer supported by Let's Encrypt. The new version 3 of the Certificate Assistant now uses the PowerShell module Posh-ACME to automatically request certificates for Exchange Server via Let's Encrypt. Posh-ACME is ACMEv2 ... Read more

Howto: Exchange 2019 and Kemp Loadmaster with ESP

It's been a while since the last article on Kemp and Exchange, so here's an updated version. For this test, I used a Kemp Loadmaster VLM-5000 (which is available for free with people with MCP ID for the HomeLab) and Exchange 2019. The Loadmaster firmware used is 7.2.48. The Loadmaster ... Read more

New security update for Exchange Server 2013 - 2019

Microsoft has released a new security update for Exchange Server 2013 to 2019 (CVE-2019-1373). The update closes a vulnerability that, in the worst-case scenario, could allow code to be executed remotely. Microsoft classifies the severity of the vulnerability as critical. The update should therefore be installed as soon as possible. Microsoft provides the following details on ... Read more