Sophos UTM 9.508-10: Signing mails using S/MIME problematic

Sophos recently released an update for UTM 9.5. With this update, the email protection algorithms have also been adapted with regard to the signing of emails using S/MIME: S/MIME Encryption updates: This release brings changes to the S/MIME feature to fully conform with new GDPR regulatory requirements for encryption. Core to these changes are new algorithms ... Read more

Certificate Assistant now also for Exchange 2013 and Server 2012 R2

Last Monday I published a revised version of the Exchange Certificate Assistant. The last version previously only supported Exchange 2016 on Windows Server 2016. The current version now also supports Windows Server 2012 R2 and Exchange 2013. Also new is the possibility to send the notification mails with authentication on the SMTP server. In addition, ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.508-10)

Today Sophos released an update for the UTM 9. The update updates the UTM to version 9.508-10. The update is just under 170 MB in size and is intended to fix these problems: [NUTM-8739]: [Access & Identity] Argos segfault and coredump after update to v9.502 [NUTM-9164]: [Access & Identity] SSLVPN installation packages fail to copy user profile during ... Read more

Exchange Certificate Assistant: New version

I have started to revise the "Exchange Certificate Assistant". The previous version is no longer compatible with the current ACMESharp module and therefore requires an old version of the module. However, since some relevant parts of the ACMESharp module have changed in the meantime, it is time for a new version of the "Exchange Certificate Assistant". I have updated the "Certificate ... Read more

Critical security vulnerability in Outlook

Updates have been released for Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 to close two critical security vulnerabilities. With both vulnerabilities, it is possible to execute malicious code on the computer. With one of the vulnerabilities, it is sufficient to receive an email with a malicious attachment. The attachment does not even have to be opened. The corresponding CVEs can be found here: CVE-2018-0852 | ... Read more

Exchange 2016: SMTP Connector and wildcard / SAN certificates

Anyone using Exchange 2016 in conjunction with a wildcard certificate should also configure the receive and send connectors accordingly. This may also be necessary for SAN certificates. If the SAN certificate contains the domain name as the "Common Name (issued for)" and not the corresponding server name of the Exchange server, problems may occur, for example, when encrypting the SMTP connection using STARTTLS. ... Read more

Sophos UTM and DKIM

DKIM, also known as DomainKeys, is a procedure for determining the authenticity of emails. The basic functionality is explained quite simply: The sending mail server calculates a hash value for each mail it sends and appends this hash to each mail in the e-mail header. The receiving mail server can evaluate the signature and also determine the ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Offline address book (OAB) cannot be downloaded (0x8004010F)

If Outlook cannot download the Offline Address Book (OAB) from an Exchange 2016 server, the following error message is displayed: Error (0x8004010F) while performing the task: Error during operation. An object cannot be found. Unfortunately, this error message is quite general and can be caused by various problems. The cause of the error was in this ... Read more