Google Chrome will no longer trust Symantec CAs from 2018

Google has announced that it will withdraw its trust from Symantec CAs (certification authorities) from 2018. A corresponding article can be found in the Google Security Blog: Chrome's Plan to Distrust Symantec Certificates Specifically, this means that websites or services that work with certificates issued by Symantec will no longer be considered trustworthy by Chrome.This affects all certificates issued before 01.06.2016 ... Read more

New version of the Exchange Certificate Wizard for Let's Encrypt

On February 6, 2017, I published the first version of the certificate wizard for Exchange 2016 and Let's Encrypt. The certificate wizard simplifies the process of requesting, renewing and installing an SSL certificate for Exchange 2016. Now, thanks to Bjoern, there is a new version. Bjoern has taken the trouble to make some changes so that the certificate wizard also works with Exchange 2010 and ... Read more

Brief introduction to IPv6

Many thanks to Frank for the opportunity to contribute to the expansion of with a blog post. This article is intended to give an overview of IPv6 in relation to Windows operating systems. It will be exciting and everyone can participate on their computer. Quo vadis IPv6? Everyone is talking about it. Most people have activated IPv6 (to which ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Activate existing contacts or distribution lists (Activate email)

If you want to use existing Active Directory groups or contacts with Exchange 2016, you must activate them for use via email. It is not possible to activate existing Active Directory groups and contacts via the Exchange Admin Center. However, it is easy and straightforward via the Exchange Management Shell. Here is a short HowTo: In this case there is ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.503-3)

Sophos has today released an update with the version number 9.503-3 for Sophos UTM. The update is intended to fix a total of 33 problems. Unfortunately, Sophos has not been so lucky with updates for the UTM in the past, so the last update fixed some problems, but also caused new ones. Unfortunately, this makes extensive testing ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Exporting mailboxes

The Exchange Management Shell makes it easy to export mailboxes to a PST file. This short article shows how it works. In order for mailboxes to be exported (and also imported), the user performing the export must first be assigned an RBAC role; for the Administrator user, this is done with the following command: New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import ... Read more