Exchange 2016: Sending under an alternative e-mail address

Unfortunately, Exchange still does not offer a convenient way to send e-mails to other e-mail addresses. If users should be able to send mails with different e-mail addresses, additional mailboxes can be created and linked to the user. Recently, however, I received a question as to how a user can still send e-mails under several e-mail ... Read more

EUGO: Date for the next meeting has been set

This time Andi and I are a little earlier, after we were unfortunately only able to announce the date for the previous EUGO meeting at very short notice, the date for the next meeting follows now: Friday 11.08.2017 19:30 Allegro Habichtshöhe in Bielefeld Bodelschwinghstr. 79 33604 Bielefeld Link: Google Maps Link: Website Allegro Habichtshöhe Since we ... Read more

Server 2016: Feature updates similar to Windows 10

Feature updates for Windows Server 2016 will also be released twice a year in the near future. This means that the update behavior is similar to Windows 10. However, Windows Server 2016 will offer the option of selecting the "Long-term Servicing Channel", which means that new features will only be released every two to three years. ... Read more

Sophos UTM: New update (9.501-5)

Sophos has released an update for Sophos UTM 9.5, which fixes quite a few bugs. The update has the version number 9.501-5 and is just under 221 MB in size. If you are not yet offered the update via the Up2Date service, you can also download it directly here: At the bottom of the page you will find the update from ... Read more

Server 2016: Group policy for data protection settings

In addition to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 also transfers a lot of data to Microsoft. In many companies, this chatty behavior of the current Windows versions is probably undesirable. Microsoft seems to be well aware of this and has published extensive documentation on which services transfer data to Microsoft. The documentation is available here: Manage connections ... Read more

Quick & Dirty: Finding invalid and orphaned group policies

I have started to create a small PowerShell script to help detect invalid or orphaned group policies. The first version of the script searches for group policies that are not connected to an OU, have no security filtering or have all GPO settings disabled. I will add more functions to the script in the future and publish it as ... Read more