Sophos UTM: New update fixes certificate warnings with Chrome 58

Sophos already released an update for Sophos UTM on 27.04.17, which fixes certificate warnings in connection with Chrome 58 and activated HTTPS scanning. I have not yet been offered the update via Up2Date, so here is a small note. The update to version 9.413-4 can be downloaded here and installed manually: The update addresses ... Read more

Server 2016: Performance Tuning Guidelines

With the Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2016, numerous tips for optimizing speed have been published: Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2016 Currently, tips for increasing speed are offered for the following points: Server Hardware Hardware performance considerations Hardware power considerations Server Roles Active Directory Servers File Servers Hyper-V Servers Remote ... Read more

Outlook: DelegateWastebasketStyle, Shared Mailbox and a shared calendar

Sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees, in this case the following problem has led me onto the slippery slope. A user reports that although he can create items in a shared calendar of a colleague, he can no longer delete the entries. When trying to delete a calendar entry, Outlook only shows the following error message: The ... Read more

EUGO: Next meeting on 12.05.2017

Admittedly, the announcement is a little late, but we would still like to cordially invite all interested parties to the third meeting of the Exchange User Group OWL (EUGO) on 12.05.2017. The venue "Allegro Habichtshöhe" in Bielefeld will remain the same, but Andi has put a lot of effort into a new website especially for the EUGO. Registrations no longer need to be made on a ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Error when moving mailboxes (A version mismatch was detected)

During the migration from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016, the following error (version mismatch) may occur when moving user mailboxes from Exchange 2013 to Exchange 2016: A version mismatch was detected (Actual:6, Expected:5) The following message can then be seen in the Exchange 2013 server log: 2017-04-23T20:37:21.432Z,6,Default,Error,",", "RegisterMigrationBatch failed, exception at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationServiceHelper.SafeInvokeImplMethod(Action method, MigrationServiceRpcMethodCode methodCode) at Microsoft.Exchange.Migration.MigrationNotificationRpcSkeleton.RegisterMigrationBatch(IMigrationNotification ... Read more

Server 2016: Uninstall / customize Windows Defender

Windows Defender is integrated into Windows Server 2016 and is also activated by default. This can lead to problems if another managed virus scanner is installed. As most companies probably use a virus scanner from a third-party manufacturer (Symantec, Kaspersky, TrendMicro, Intel Security, etc.), it makes sense to uninstall Windows Defender. The uninstallation ... Read more

Sophos XG: Exchange 2016 and SFOS 16.05 Webserver Protection (Part 3 Optional)

In article 2, I had already written my opinion on RPCoverHTTP (Outlook Anywhere) in conjunction with Sophos XG and two public DNS names. Here again briefly to repeat: The background is that most of the protection mechanisms of the web server protection for Outlook Anywhere must be switched off. This then also applies to the remaining web services such as OWA ... Read more

New version of the Autodiscover whitepaper

In January, I published the first public version of the Exchange Autodiscover Whitepaper. So far the PDF has more than 5000 downloads, now there is an updated version. The PDF now comprises 64 pages on Exchange Autodiscover, including sample configurations (6 pages more). A revision was necessary, as I had previously only dealt with the topic of split DNS in conjunction with Autodiscover ... Read more

Exchange 2016: OPNsense, HAProxy and Let's Encrypt

OPNSense is a fork of the well-known open source firewall PFSense, I personally like OPNSense better, the GUI is tidier, there is a REST api and the most important plug-ins are also available. As there is a plugin for HAProxy and also for Let's Encrypt for OPNSense, I have started testing this combination in conjunction with Exchange 2016. OPNSense ... Read more