Exchange 2016: Renew Let's Encrypt certificate

In a previous article, I already described how the free Let's Encrypt certificates can be requested and assigned to Exchange services using PowerShell. I am currently working on automating the entire process from requesting the Let's Encrypt certificate to automatic renewal using PowerShell. The goal is a fire-and-forget script for the Exchange certificates, let's ... Read more

9 days to go until the EUGO - Register now!

There are still 9 days to go until the next EUGO meeting. Then we will meet at the Allegro Habichtshöhe in Bielefeld. There are still a few places available and we are accepting registrations until Wednesday 8.2.17. You can find more information and a registration form here: We look forward to seeing you there!

New update for Sophos UTM (9.410-6)

An update for Sophos UTM was released today. This is a maintenance release, so it fixes known problems. Especially for the Mail Protection it concerns these problems: Fix [NUTM-3515]: [Email] [SPX] Using 'ß' and ',' as windows-1252 in form breaks utf-8 conversion Fix [NUTM-4932]: [Email] Password protected file passes SMTP ... Read more

Active Directory: IPv6 / Fritzbox / Sophos UTM / Domain Controller

Foreword IPv6 has not been one of my strengths so far. Like many others, I've probably put the topic of IPv6 on the back burner: "I'll take a look at it when it's established..." Well, it has become established and has been for some time. IPv4 will be replaced by IPv6, that much is certain. Therefore ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Comprehensive white paper on Autodiscover

Every day I receive emails from readers with questions and problems that are largely due to Autodiscover and/or incorrect certificates. This whitepaper is intended to help administrators understand and correctly configure Autodiscover, as it is an important part of Exchange Server without which the connection of Outlook and other devices would not work. The idea for ... Read more

Apple, ActiveSync and StartCom / StartSSL / WoSign

I am currently receiving a lot of inquiries about ActiveSync and Apple devices. Apple devices do not want to establish an ActiveSync connection with Exchange using the integrated Mail app. So if you find your environment in the following description, you will run into the problem described: Apple devices with the integrated mail app (iPhone, iPad) The SSL certificate comes from StartCom / StartSSL ... Read more

Exchange User Group Berlin - First in the new year

The Exchange User Group Berlin will meet for the first time this year on 16.02.2017. An agenda has also already been published: As announced, the Exchange User Group Berlin will meet on 16.02.2017 at 18:00 at the Microsoft Accelerator Berlin, Unter den Linden 17. The program "Bring Your Own Script" with Davorin Scharping (script examples), Evgenij Smirnov (moderation) ... Read more

Determine Exchange Server PatchLevel

Unfortunately the Exchange 2010 Shell is not reliable, if you want to find out which patch level the Exchange Server has, the Exchange Shell always returns the build 123.4: In the Exchange 2010 Shell only the last service pack for Exchange 2010 is displayed (SP3), but not the update rollup packages: A better method ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Configure URLs and hostnames via PowerShell

To specify the URLs and hostnames of an Exchange 2016 server, the following script can be used: #Hostname for Exchange Webservices, OWA, Outlook Anywhere, Active Sync: $OutlookHostname = "" #Hostname for Autodiscover: $AutodiscoverHostname = "" #OWA $owa = "https://" + "$OutlookHostname" + "/owa" write-host "OWA URL:" $owa Get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server $env:computername | Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -internalurl $owa -externalurl $owa ... Read more

PowerShell: Out-GridView for displaying data

I often don't feel like typing in long filters in PowerShell for large amounts of data. I have therefore gotten into the habit of filtering the data afterwards. The PowerShell CMDLet "Out-GridView" makes this process much easier. With "Out-GridView", data can be displayed in table form and sorted in different ways. This function is particularly useful if you want to get a quick overview. Read more