Locky: Identify infected clients

In these two articles, I already presented a way to protect Windows file servers from Locky and other ransomware: https://www.frankysweb.de/windows-fileserver-vor-ransomware-crypto-locker-schuetzen/ https://www.frankysweb.de/windows-fileserver-vor-ransomware-schuetzen-update/ Tobbi has also implemented the idea for Netapp Filer: http://www.tobbis-blog.de/netapp-ontap-fileserver-gegen-ransomware-abschotten/ But there are still the clients, from which most of the danger emanates. The faster the computers are identified that are infected with ... Read more

Protect Windows file servers from ransomware (update)

Yesterday I already reported on how Windows file servers can be protected against ransomware such as Cryptolocker, Cryptwall or Locky using the "Resource Manager for File Servers". The following comment was made on the article: Hi Frank, great article! Is there a trick on how to intercept the user and possibly only allow the user access to ... Read more

Protect Windows FileServer from Ransomware / Crypto Locker

Ransomware such as Crypto Locker or Locky and other names are becoming more and more of a plague. Only in a few cases is it possible to restore the encrypted data. Without a backup, the damage can quickly become very extensive. Since the Trojans usually start encrypting data from a client and in doing so ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 3.1 is available for download

I have just uploaded version 3.1 of the Exchange Reporter. This time I mainly fixed bugs that crept in despite many tests in different environments. I have made the following changes: Bugfixes O365report.ps1: The report only returned the first 1000 results, thanks to Kaari fixed Mbxreport.ps1: Bug in the listing of limits fixed, if more ... Read more

Exchange 2013/2016: Recreate index

If the search in Outlook Web Access, or Outlook on the Web, no longer works, a broken index is usually to blame. However, the index can be recreated quite easily and in most cases this solves the problem. You can find out whether the index should be recreated using the Exchange Management Shell: Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus ... Read more

Do not install .NET Framework 4.6.1 on Exchange servers

A note has been published on the Exchange Team Blog stating that .NET Framework 4.6.1 should not be installed on Exchange servers at the moment: http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2016/02/10/on-net-framework-4-6-1-and-exchange-compatibility.aspx In conjunction with .NET Framework 4.6.1, the databases may also be taken offline. The only remedy at the moment is to uninstall .NET Framework 4.6.1: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3095369 Currently ... Read more

FrankysWeb: Restart

FrankysWeb has been around for almost 6 years now and unfortunately the ballast has continued to accumulate. As it is with "old installations", sometimes something is changed here, sometimes something is added there, over the years a lot of junk comes together. This is also the case here, the WordPress database has been updated umpteen times ... Read more

Exchange 2016: Installation aborts and event 1310

I just wanted to quickly install a small test environment for Exchange 2016. Really quickly, so only one server that should work as a domain controller and Exchange 2016 server. But as is the case with "just quickly": Here is the text of the error message: Error: The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); Install-MsiPackage ` -PackagePath ([System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleLanguagePacksPath, ... Read more