Exchange 2010: 432 4.3.2 STOREDRV.Deliver; recipient thread limit exceeded

Here again a small guide to fix the following error: 432 4.3.2 STOREDRV.Deliver; recipient thread limit exceeded The error often occurs in Exchange 2010 with journal mailboxes or databases that store a journal mailbox. The above-mentioned error can occur especially with journal mailboxes with a high load. Here you can ... Read more

Add users to groups remotely

Today there is another useful PowerShell script that can be used to add remote users to local groups on servers or computers. The script expects a CSV file with computer names and then processes the list. The CSV file must be formatted as follows: An example is included in the archive. The first 5 lines ... Read more

Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics

Microsoft has released its new tool "Advanced Threat Analytics" (ATA). Reason enough to try out the new tool. ATA can be downloaded here in a 90-day demo: By the way, there is also a key in the MSDN subscription: I am testing the whole thing in my Hyper-V playground. The ATA VM requires 2 network cards, and ... Read more

F5 APM: 2-factor authentication not possible with VMware View 6

This problem doesn't really belong here, but maybe it will help someone anyway. The problem is as follows. If the F5 iApp is used for VMware View and extended accordingly for 2-factor authentication, a "User name or password incorrect" message appears between the two queries. This is a bug that is caused by the F5 ... Read more

Exchange 2013/2016: Create and manage room mailboxes

Resource mailboxes are very popular to enable the booking of meeting rooms or company cars. With Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 it has become even easier to manage the rooms. Here is a small howto that works with Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 (For Exchange 2010 you can find the howto here) First of all, via ECP ... Read more

Exchange Reporter 2.6: New release

I have just uploaded version 2.6 of the Exchange Reporter. Some new functions and modules have been added. Office 365 is now also supported, both as a hybrid scenario and exclusively Office 365. There have also been several bug fixes. Here is the changelog: New functions Office365 is now supported (see module o365report.ps1) Setting ... Read more

VMware View: Network card disappeared

Nice problem / feature: With VMware Horizon View / VMware vSphere, network cards and SCSI controllers are HotAdd and HotPlug capable by default. Actually quite nice, but sometimes not desired. For example with VMware View: Users who like to click can remove the network card here, which has a, let's call it, "negative impact" on the connection to its ... Read more

Exchange Server: Quota cache / limits are only applied after a longer period of time

Some people are probably familiar with this problem: A user calls the helpdesk because their mailbox is full. Deleting it is of course not an option, because even the 10-year-old mails could be needed again. Discussion is usually pointless, so the limit for the mailbox is increased. Quite impatiently, the user now contacts the helpdesk every 15 minutes, ... Read more

Windows PKI: Configure mail notifications for the CA

The Windows CA is able to send mails to inform about processes. For example, when the service is stopped or started. However, it is not easy to configure manually. I have therefore slightly modified a script from the Technet so that it also works if the CA has not yet issued any certificates. Simply ... Read more