Update for Outlook 2010 brings MAPIoverHTTP unsupport (KB2878264)

Originally, MAPIoverHTTP was already added with the update KB2899591 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2899591) for Outlook 2010, but the update was withdrawn a short time later. Microsoft has now released a new update. The update requires Service Pack 2 for Office 2010. The update for Outlook 2010 can be downloaded here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2878264 MAPIoverHTTP is a new ... Read more

Exchange 2010: EventID 2937 HomeMTA refers to deleted objects

The ActiveDirectory attribute "HomeMTA" is actually no longer used by Exchange 2010, but an error message is still generated in the EventLog if the entry is not set correctly. Event 2937 usually occurs after a migration or after switching off a mailbox server: EventID: 2937 Source: MSExchange ADAccess process Microsoft.Exchange.RpcClientAccess.Service.exe (PID=10952). Object [CN=Zoechling\, Frank,OU=User,DC=frankysweb,DC=local]. Property [HomeMTA] ... Read more

Note: Blacklist AHBL ceases operation

The AHBL blacklist (rhsbl.ahbl.org, dnsbl.ahbl.org, and ircbl.ahbl.org) ceased operations on 01.01.2015. All requests to the blacklists are answered positively, which causes SPAM filters to classify the mail as SPAM. So if you have still entered the blacklist, you should correct the configuration as soon as possible. Click here for information from AHBL: http://www.ahbl.org/content/last-notice-wildcarding-services-jan-1st How the blacklists for ... Read more

Exchange 2010: APIPA address in the mail header (169.254.X.X)

APIPA addresses (169.254.x.x) in the mail header are somewhat unsightly, this problem occurs in an Exchange DAG and can certainly lead to a problem with one or other SPAM filter. Here is part of a mail header: The cause is an incorrect sequence of network connections. The APIPA address belongs to the "Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter", which ... Read more

Exchange 2013/2016: Wizard for certificates

Many of the emails I receive are always about certificates. I have therefore created a small wizard using PowerShell that takes some of the work out of dealing with certificates. It automatically searches for the corresponding DNS names, requests the certificate from a Windows CA and installs it on all Exchange 2013 servers. Without any manual work ... Read more

Exchange 2010: Update Rollup 8 for SP3 released again

The faulty Update Rollup 8 for Exchange 2010 SP3 has been re-released in a corrected version. I was no longer able to reproduce the errors in my test environment. However, if you want to be on the safe side, it is better to wait a few more days. Click here to download: http://www.microsoft.com/de-DE/download/details.aspx?id=45225 Here is a list of the corrected problems: http://support2.microsoft.com/kb/2986475/en-us

Exchange 2010: New update rollup 8 for SP3 (KB2986475) causes problems

The update rollup 8 (KB2986475) for Exchange Server 2010 SP3 released yesterday seems to cause problems for Outlook. There are more and more reports that calendar entries can no longer be saved, or that access to Sent Items and Inbox no longer works. OWA does not seem to be affected. If you have already installed the update and notice problems, ... Read more

Exchange 2013: Sophos UTM 9.3 WAF as reverse proxy for Outlook Anywhere, OWA, ActiveSync and Autodiscover

I didn't really warm to the Sophos UTM 9.2 WAF in conjunction with Exchange 2013. In my opinion, there were too many things that didn't work as I expected. But Sophos UTM 9.3 is now available, so it's time for a new test. The environment is almost unchanged: It ... Read more

New updates for Exchange Server

Today there are new updates for Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server 2013: Cumulative Update 7 for Exchange Server 2013 (KB2986485) UM language packs for Exchange Server 2013 CU7 Updaterollup 8 for Exchange Server 2010, Service Pack 3 (KB2986475) Updaterollup 15 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (KB2996150) So far there are still ... Read more